Chapter 399: Bliss Water! (3 more updates)_1

Jinwu Society, the secret underground base.

Although it was underground, it was as bright as daylight with the lights ablaze at the moment.

Every two meters stood a guard clutching a submachine gun.

One could say the security was extremely tight; not even a fly could get in.

Ahead, there were twelve crosses, with a person nailed to each one.

They were the twelve martial artists who had been escorted from the Martial Alliance.

Among them, three martial artists from Qianyu Tower were also nailed on the crosses.

At that moment, their bodies were dripping with fresh blood.

In front of the twelve crosses stood twelve members of Jinwu Society, each holding a thunder and lightning whip.

They kept lashing out with the whips in their hands, tearing the flesh of the people in front.

Around them stood another group of people.

There were elders of the Jinwu Society, elite martial artists from the Island Nation, and members of the Martial Alliance.