Chapter 410: No Escape Even with Wings!_1

The Mandarin Duck Blades also let out a long howl and followed suit.

The remaining people, on the other hand, were here to clear out the remaining martial artists.

Su Chen didn't make a move, because in his opinion, Crow and the Blade Edge Team were more than capable of ending the battle.

And the others, Peacock, Dayan, and the Flame Group, could handle it completely as well.

Therefore, he stood in the yard with his hands behind his back, in full control of the situation.

By his side, Hu Die followed, continuously manipulating various cameras and flying objects to monitor the entire villa's battle situation.

At the villa's back door, Yao Zhenyu, accompanied by a host of personal guards, hurriedly escaped.


However, at that moment, the ground in front of him suddenly exploded, creating a terrifying blast.

Not good! An attack!

Seeing this, an Earth Rank martial artist roared, then five bodyguards mustered strong Inner Strength to protect Yao Zhenyu.