Chapter 439 Guess!_1


Old Master Qin, I wonder what you wanted to discuss? Su Chen was also full of curiosity.

Old Master Qin smiled without replying, and he asked, "Young man, do you know how to fish?"

I know a little.

Come here, keep an old man company and fish for a bit.


Su Chen walked over, took a fishing rod, and sat down on the grass to start fishing.

Old and young, they began fishing together.

From then on, Old Master Qin didn't speak again; he was very focused on fishing.

Beside him, Su Chen didn't speak either.

The two sat there quietly, cross-legged, each holding a fishing rod in their hands.

Ahead, the lake's surface sparkled under the sunlight, and a gentle breeze blew, creating faint ripples.

An hour later.

Old Master Qin finally spoke up. He put down his fishing rod and asked indifferently, "Little fellow, did you catch anything?"

Old Master Qin, did you catch anything? Instead of answering, Su Chen asked with a smile.

It seems you must know.