092 All-around Dominance_2

"So, Mr. Liu—"

Chi Yundai sneered, "You're not trying to tell me that the video was deleted by the police, are you?"


What could Director Liu say to that?

Accuse the police of deleting it?

Would he dare say that in court?

The entire courtroom once again fell into an uproar.

Director Liu found himself in a peculiar predicament, his and everyone else's logical thinking on their side firmly controlled by Chi Yundai.

Including Zhao Jingzhou.

You couldn't find a single logical flaw in Chi Yundai's reasoning.


The judge banged the gavel, "Order, order."

The whispers and exchanges in the courtroom gradually ceased.

Zhang Shize, sitting behind a fence half his height, also came back to his senses, having been in a state of tension since the incident occurred.

For the first half of his life, he had been coasting through life, with his greatest ambition being no more than a minor supporting role.