144 Chen Ju Gao Guangliang Field_1

"Your visit amidst your busy schedule brightens our wedding banquet for Mu Lan and me. District Chief Shen, please come in," Xu En, who had weathered many events, regained his composure in just a second.

He stepped aside and personally escorted Shen Min inside.

"I've always wanted to come and see, and today I finally found the opportunity, also to have a drink with the old man," Shen Min was also discreetly sizing up Xu En as he spoke.

Xu En was a major taxpayer in Mingfeng District and knew how to handle situations. Shen Min recognized him naturally; a few months back, during the municipal bidding, he had let slip that Mr. Chen would be visiting Xiangcheng.

At the time, several individual entrepreneurs from Mingfeng District were present.