Yan Lu's concerts are rare occasions.
This time, after it ends, no one knows when the next one will be, and it's not just the A Zone tickets that are difficult to come by, even regular tickets are scarce.
It's summertime, nearing six o'clock, and the sun hasn't fully set yet. Alice stares at the lingering sunlight, her gaze drifting down to the tickets in her hand, "Yan, Yan Lu's concert tickets?"
A Zone ones at that?
"Yeah." Yang Lin is reviewing Xia Zhuoyu's suggestions for her paper.
These two tickets were originally prepared for Yong Qi and Alice, but now that Yong Shu had received tickets from Yao Xintian, Yang Lin gave both to Alice.
She's a loner by nature, with only a few friends. Besides Alice, if anyone else wanted Yan Lu's tickets, it would only take a word.
The public bus arrives, and Yang Lin, carrying her canvas bag, gets on.
Alice follows behind her, as if floating on a cloud of cotton onto the bus.