Chapter 101: The Face-Slapping Drama Begins (Vote Request)_1

The next morning, Ruan Qi opened Weibo to find tens of thousands of messages flooding in, numbing her palms.

The #Lin JianRuan Qi# topic had hung on the hot search all night. Lin Jian's fans were furious, convinced that Ruan Qi had intentionally paid for the hot search to ride on Lin Jian's popularity.

Many irrational fans went to Ruan Qi's Weibo to curse her out. With fewer fans, Ruan Qi's supporters couldn't outshout them and could only suffer the suppression in silence.

Ruan Qi casually opened a few of the messages cursing her and saw words involving her family members darken her gaze.

Baby Damai made breakfast and came in with the dried clothes.

It twisted its big head, glanced at Ruan Qi on her phone, and the screen on its chest flickered.

"Daddy, you seem upset," Baby Damai said in its milky voice.

Ruan Qi put down her phone, propped her chin on her hands, and looked at it with a smile, "Yeah, someone insulted my mom."