Chapter 332 I'm Just Jealous (Part 1)_1

At the garden entrance, Xi Jiu, who was about to fetch a scarf for the young lady, was stopped by a nurse.

"Mr. Xi," the young nurse sneaked a glance at him and, with her face reddening, said, "I, I..."

Xi Jiu's handsome eyebrows slowly knitted together.

His sharp gaze settled on her as he asked in a deep voice, "Earlier, you said you wanted to talk about Xiao Qi's situation, what is it about?"

Xiao Qi?

Who was that?

Yang Xin was a bit confused.

She was a nurse assigned to the VVIP top floor two days ago. On her first day, she heard that a young girl was staying on this floor and her boyfriend was exceptionally handsome.

Yang Xin was quite skeptical at first, doubting anyone could be that handsome.

But on the second day, she encountered Mr. Xi.

Yang Xin took a liking to him at first sight and only after asking around did she learn about Mr. Xi's close relationship with their hospital and his rather impressive status.

Yang Xin began to have ideas.