Chapter 30 Wang Guanxi's Revenge_1

On the other side, Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting's family fled from Lake Heart Island in disarray and returned to Pan Ting's home.

Pan Ting's home was still decorated with colorful lights, streamers, and many red festive decorations.

All these had been arranged in advance to celebrate their wedding, but now they seemed incredibly ironic.

"Damn Ning Fan! I must get revenge! I'm going to kill him!"

"This trash, waste of space, lapdog! I will make him kneel before me and smash his dog skull!"

Pan Ting's face was distorted, her fists clenched, as she cursed Ning Fan venomously.

Her wedding dress had long been torn to shreds, her whole body was filthy, utterly disheveled, and the bride's makeup on her face had long been smeared, making her look like a female version of a clown!

But Pan Dajiang, Ma Xiulian, and her uncle Ma Fugui did not pick up the conversation, their faces showing fear rather than anger.

"Stop it! Shut your mouth!"