Chapter 86 Tianling Pharmaceutical_1

"The Rejuvenation Pill is priced at two hundred thousand per pill, and previously I had Baldy Qiang in charge of sales. We split the profits seventy-thirty. If you could use your resources to help with promotion now, I'm willing to give up ten percent. I'll take sixty percent, and each of you will get twenty percent," Ning Fan said to Li Wanshan.

"How could that be right? Mr. Ning, it's my fault for not handling the promotional sales well. Your seventy percent share should stay the same, and Li and I will split my thirty percent," Baldy Qiang immediately said.

"Exactly, Mr. Ning, I'm already extremely grateful for the opportunity to be involved, so how could I further reduce your share? Splitting thirty percent with Baldy Qiang is already more than enough for me," Li Wanshan also chimed in earnestly.

"Alright, as long as you can get the promotion going and boost the sales, a thirty percent share should make you happy," Ning Fan nodded.