Chapter 92 Li Wanshan's Revenge_1


"Has anyone had this strange illness before? That's great, which divine doctor cured it? Where is that divine doctor? Quick, go and invite that divine doctor to treat me!" Bao Hankang grabbed the lead in the white coat.

"Mr. Bao, we also don't know who that divine doctor is, let alone where that divine doctor is…" The lead in the white coat shook his head.

"What? Then who is the person who got this strange illness? Go and ask him!" Bao Hankang urged anxiously.

The lead in the white coat said, "The person who got this strange illness is River City's real estate magnate, Li Wanshan."

"What? Li Wanshan?"

Bao Hankang's face turned ugly.

He had just led a group to slap Li Wanshan's face, and now he was in need of Li Wanshan's help? How could he swallow his pride?

But a wave of weakness and pain surged through his body, and the constant sense of vertigo in his head made him throw caution to the wind; he grabbed his phone and dialed Li Wanshan's number.