Chapter 90 Either Die or Kneel and Beg Me_1

"What, you dare to harm me?" If you dare to harm a single hair on my head today, I have a hundred ways to have the patrol office throw you into prison!"

Bao Hankang said fearlessly.

As the Family Head of a top-tier family, he had intricate connections with the officials of River City. If he used those connections, even someone as formidable as Ning Fan would not be his match.

After all, Ning Fan couldn't possibly oppose the officials.

"You have a hundred ways to put me in prison?"

Ning Fan stared coldly at Bao Hankang and then said, "I don't have as many methods to deal with you, but they're definitely more effective."

After speaking, Ning Fan's thoughts moved and a thread of Spiritual Power flowed to the Jade ring on his finger.


With a barely audible sound, a wisp of black qi flowed out from Ning Fan's Jade ring.

It was the Filial Aura from the Evil Qi.

The next second, Ning Fan raised his hand and pointed at Bao Hankang's forehead from a distance.
