Chapter 98 Arrogance of Xu Qingfeng_1

Half an hour later, Ning Fan and Xu Qingfeng arrived at the Jin Hao Building, the tallest structure in the heart of River City. They took the elevator up to the rooftop terrace, two hundred meters above ground.

Standing shoulder to shoulder at the edge of the terrace, they looked out into the distance.

"Look, Ning Fan, this is the highest point in all of River City. Standing here, we can see the complete panorama of the city beneath our feet, right?"

Xu Qingfeng pointed to the twinkling lights of River City below and spoke calmly.

"That's true," Ning Fan nodded.

Xu Qingfeng continued,

"In the city beneath us, many people have never left River City in their entire lives. To them, this building that soars two hundred meters high—the Jin Hao Building—is the tallest in the world."

"They're unaware that beyond River City, there's the provincial capital, Jinling, Zhonghai, Dragon City, and countries overseas..."