Chapter 113 Mr. Ning, You've Kept Me in the Dark_1

No matter if it was Baldy Qiang or Liao Zhenting.

No matter if it was Xu Qingfeng or those who are old.

No matter if it was Xiong Da and Xiong Er or other major figures.

No one thought that Ning Fan would be so powerful!

Drip, drip, drip...

Ning Fan stepped down from the platform and slowly walked toward Yan Hu in the corner of the stands.

"Damn you, Ning Fan... you, you're not a fengshui magician! You, you're a martial artist! What realm of martial artist are you exactly?"

Watching Ning Fan approach step by step, Yan Hu's face no longer held arrogance and scorn, replaced instead by shock and fear.

"All you need to know is that I can easily defeat you, that's enough. Is the realm really that important? I'll ask you again, does the Divine Tune Sect truly have to avenge Cui Laosi?" Ning Fan walked toward Yan Hu step by step, speaking indifferently.