Chapter 129: Ban on Ning Fan?_1

Before his words even subsided, Ning Fan's feet remained still, but his hands became two phantoms, rapidly striking out three palms like lightning.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After three muffled sounds, Zhang Long and two others didn't even have the chance to scream before they turned into human cannonballs, flying backwards in three different directions!

They heavily crashed into the walls of the banquet hall in three different directions, making indentations in the walls before slowly collapsing to the floor, unable to even clamber up.


The powerful figures present were dumbstruck, swallowing hard with shock and daring not even breathe too loudly.

Li Wanshan was also agape in astonishment.

Only Baldy Qiang, excitedly shouting, "Mr. Ning! Awesome! Mr. Ning! Invincible!"

Zhao Xingrui's previously smug smile quickly turned stiff, his face looking as though he'd just eaten something disgusting!