Chapter 138: The Spread of News of Death_1

But Ning Fan showed not a hint of hesitation, his hand already pricking a silver needle into a major acupoint on Xu Yourong's body.

The situation that the emergency doctor had described did not occur; instead, the internal bleeding within Xu Yourong's body began to be absorbed continuously, under the control of Ning Fan's spiritual power.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Under the shocked gazes of the emergency doctor and Su Qingcheng, Ning Fan's hand turned into a blur as he executed the Thirteen Ghost Needles, sticking every silver needle into the major acupoints across Xu Yourong's body.

With the combined effect of the Thirteen Ghost Needles, Rejuvenation Pill, and spiritual power, the blood from Xu Yourong's internal bleeding was continuously absorbed back into her body; her failing organs began to show a reversal in trend and started to recover vitality, and the intracranial hemorrhage in her head was also continuously being absorbed and dissolved...

Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!