Chapter 146 Kill Wang Guanxi_1

"Ning Fan, please spare my life! I beg you to spare me! I'm just a tool, I was forced by Bao Longfei and Zhao Xingrui, and it was that driver who hit someone, not me! I'm really just a middleman!"

"I was wrong; I shouldn't have competed with you for Pan Ting. I shouldn't have listened to Bao Longfei. I swear I'll mend my ways from now on. I'll be your dog, just please, spare my life... I'm begging you..."

Wang Guanxi collapsed on the spot in fear, sobbing loudly, pleading for mercy and trying to pass the blame.

"It's me who's wronged, I tell you! Behind me was Zhao Xingrui forcing me, and in front, it was Wang Guanxi who did the actual deed! Damn it, I really am just a middleman!"

"Ning Fan, I can give you money, a lot of money. Don't kill me, don't do anything foolish! I'm begging you, don't kill me! I know I was wrong. I'll have my dad give you all the Bao Family's money, just spare my life, please!"