Chapter 165 The Gift from Xu Yourong_1


Ding Hongxia, although initially unimpressed with Xu Yourong, softened her stance little by little after their recent conversation and observing Xu Yourong during the meal.

As for her proactive suggestion to go to River City together, Ding planned to use the travel time to chat more with Xu Yourong, to understand her better, so as to properly vet her for Ning Fan.

After all, which mother doesn't want to learn more about her son's girlfriend?

The four quickly set off, driving towards River City.

Qiu Li was driving, Ding Hongxia sat in the passenger seat, while Ning Fan and Xu Yourong took the back seats.

Throughout the trip, Ding Hongxia kept talking to Xu Yourong, feeling a mixture of happiness and concern.

She was happy because Xu Yourong was excellent in every aspect, very sincere, without a hint of pretension unlike daughters from wealthy families, and she was truly good to Ning Fan—indeed the best choice for a daughter-in-law.