Chapter 205: People in Love_1

"You? You, you, you..."

Qiu Li never expected that the one appearing at the door would be Ning Fan, and she stuttered with her words.

"What's wrong, Qiu Li?"

From the living room, Xu Yourong asked puzzledly.

"Miss, you... you better come and see for yourself..." Qiu Li said.

While Qiu Li was speaking, Ning Fan had already entered the door, passed through the entryway, and walked into the living room.

Xu Yourong was wondering when she suddenly saw Ning Fan's face.

"Ning Fan?"

Upon seeing Ning Fan, Xu Yourong was first stunned, then muttered to herself, "I couldn't be hallucinating, could I?"

Then, she rubbed her eyes vigorously and looked toward the doorway again.

Still, the smiling face of Ning Fan was what appeared before her eyes.

"It's not a hallucination? It's really you, Ning Fan!!!"

Xu Yourong exclaimed with joyful surprise and then, with a 'whoosh,' she jumped up from the sofa and dashed toward Ning Fan; in just a couple of strides, she flung herself into his arms.