Chapter 213: Su Qingcheng's Secret_1

"Miss Su, what you are experiencing is 'Drunk on Spiritual Essence.' You can think of it as being drunk on alcohol…"

Ning Fan, seeing Su Qingcheng recollect some memories, began to explain to her.

As Ning Fan explained, Su Qingcheng, no matter how embarrassed and angry she felt, couldn't blame him; she only bit her lips tightly, filled with regret.

"But I still find it strange. Generally, people who are Drunk on Spiritual Essence just need to sleep it off, and they'll be fine upon waking. It's rare to see someone react the way you did... Miss Su, are you experiencing any other discomfort? Perhaps I can take your pulse and diagnose you?"

Ning Fan expressed his doubts.

"I don't have any other ailments! I don't need your treatment! I don't need you to take my pulse! Just go away! My matters have nothing to do with you!"

But Su Qingcheng vehemently shook her head in denial, uncharacteristically adamant.