Chapter 216 Greedy Commerce Association_1

"So, the Chamber of Commerce also agrees that Tianling Pharmaceutical should hand over sixty percent of its shares?"

Lin Xiaoling was taken aback, not understanding why he, the president of the River City Chamber of Commerce, would suddenly side with Pan Ting and make such an outrageous demand to Tianling Pharmaceutical.

"Pan Ting is now the special representative of the Chamber of Commerce, which has entrusted all matters related to Tianling Pharmaceutical to her. The Chamber of Commerce doesn't want to interfere..."

Zhou Defa feigned difficulty in speaking.

"Isn't this too outrageous? Are you joking?" Lin Xiaoling couldn't believe it.

"Hehe, does Chairman Zhou look like he's joking? Of course, if you're not willing to give up sixty percent of the shares, there's another solution. As long as all of Tianling Pharmaceutical's future products are sold exclusively through our Spiritual Water Sales Alliance, you won't have to give up any shares."