Chapter 257 Green Cloud List, Literary Review_1

"Prevent your fiancé from cheating? Where did you get a fiancé from? Your fiancé is taking part in the Qingyun List competition too? Come on, quickly, tell me more!" Yuan Yonglin suddenly said with gossipy curiosity.

"Ah, I only found out recently myself, my family actually arranged a marriage for me twenty years ago—who does that in this day and age? I can't believe it happened to me! It's so infuriating. That's why I'm looking to call off the engagement! But I, Mu Wanqing, am not one to break a promise, so I gave my fiancé a chance. As long as he can top the Qingyun List, I won't break off our engagement, and I will honor the marriage agreement!"

Mu Wanqing explained.

"So, you're worried that your fiancé will cheat to top the Qingyun List, and you'll be forced to honor the marriage agreement? You might be overthinking it. Cheating in the Qingyun List competition? How could that be possible?" Yuan Yonglin shook her head.