Chapter 259 White Cat Black Cat_1

"You practice medicine? Young man, may I ask whom you studied with? Are you a specialist in any major hospital or a professor at any medical college? Have you made any pioneering achievements in medical theory?"

Among the seven judges, an elderly man with white hair sitting in the center couldn't help but speak up.

His name was Hu Xinnian, the most esteemed judge among them.

Originally, Yuan Huaiyi held the highest position among the judges. When he withdrew from the panel, Hu Xinnian took over Yuan Huaiyi's place.

"I have not studied under any famous medical expert, nor have I held a specialist or professorship at any major hospital. I do not have any pioneering medical theoretical achievements; I simply practice medicine," Ning Fan stated indifferently.

"Haha, merely practicing medicine? If that's the case, then isn't your participation in this Qingyun List competition just an invitation to humiliation?" Hu Xinnian said with a sneer.