Chapter 261 The Third Evaluation_1

Mu Wanqing, clad in military attire, stood on the edge of the third-floor private room. Peering through the massive floor-to-ceiling glass, she looked down from a high vantage at Ning Fan in the lobby below and shook her head slightly, murmuring to herself, "Ning Fan, it seems this is all you amount to. To be my fiancé, you're far from qualified!"


"Next, we will proceed to today's third and final item in the literary competition: perspicacity."

"Wealth, ability, and perspicacity constitute the entirety of this edition of the Qingyun List literary appraisal!"

With the announcer's declaration, the third competition began.

The so-called test of perspicacity involved the organizers displaying various art pieces in the center of the hall, ranging from jades and emeralds to calligraphy and paintings, as well as antique curios...