Chapter 265: Ning Fan Ordered to Flirt_1

"Ah? Miss Xu, what do you mean?" Ning Fan asked, a bit perplexed.

"What I mean is that the Yuan Family, where Miss Yuan is from, holds a significant position in the provincial city, especially her grandfather, Yuan Huaiyi, who was a high-ranking official in the city and only stepped down not long ago. Ning Fan, interacting more with him will definitely benefit your future development in the provincial city," Xu Yourong explained.

"I see," Ning Fan nodded, pretending to be relieved.

"What? What did you think I meant?" Xu Yourong asked, puzzled.

"I thought... Miss Xu, you wouldn't mind me getting in touch with other women," Ning Fan said boldly, his face slightly red.

"Oh? It seems that you finally feel a sense of crisis, huh? Hehe, not bad at all." Seeing Ning Fan react this way, Xu Yourong couldn't help but laugh cheerfully, feeling very pleased.

If Ning Fan felt a crisis, it meant he cared about her!

"Cough cough..." Ning Fan's face turned even redder, at a loss for words.