Chapter 269: Ge Dishuo's Plea_1

Under pressure from Ning Fan, Master Ge inadvertently let slip the truth.

Everyone came to the realization that they had been duped just moments before!

"You worthless scum, to think you dared to deceive us!"

The man in black stood up abruptly, his face reddened with rage, "Seize this trickster!"

The elderly man beside him was equally incensed, "Shameless wretch, you even dare to deceive us, you're practically courting death!"

Next to him, several burly bodyguards took big strides forward, ready to apprehend Master Ge.

Those attending the auction were either rich or noble, all influential figures in the provincial city. Dealing with Master Ge was merely a matter of minutes.

"Beat him to death!"

"Death to the swindler!"

"Deceive us, and you're asking for it!"