Chapter 281 Fei Liang Takes the Stage_1

"Kid, where do you think you're running to!"

Chen Fang bellowed, pursuing once more with the idea to defeat Ning Fan in one fell swoop forming in his mind.

If he could defeat Ning Fan here, his status in the eyes of Fei Zhongzhi, Fei Liang's father and the Alliance Hierarch of the Martial Alliance, would certainly rise by a lot!

However, just as Chen Fang caught up, he saw Ning Fan suddenly halt and raise his right palm.


Ning Fan sneered coldly, unleashing all the Spiritual Power within his body without reserve, directing it all towards Chen Fang.

"To death with you!"

Chen Fang roared, raising his palm to meet the attack, as all his Inner Strength likewise burst forth.

Their palms collided in mid-air.


The very next second, Chen Fang let out a scream, flying backward like a cannonball and landing heavily outside the ring.
