Chapter 321: The Doubling Method_1

"Heavens! That's a meteor!"

"Such a terrifying fireball, if one were to be hit by it, they would probably turn into ash on the spot!"

The crowd exclaimed in shock as they saw the fireball descending from the sky, feeling the scorching heat blowing towards them.

However, Ning Fan showed no fear as he stared directly at the fireball falling from the sky.

Then, he slightly sank down, pushed hard with his legs, and instead of dodging, he leapt high up to meet the fireball!

The next second, Ning Fan collided with the fireball in mid-air, smashing into it with a fierce force!


The dull roaring echoed, and the gusts of wind spread in all directions.

Yet Ning Fan was not engulfed by the fireball as everyone had imagined.

He landed firmly on his feet, grasping the basketball-sized fireball in one hand, as streams of Spiritual Power surged from his body, gathering in the palm of his hand and wrapping around the fireball.