Chapter 326 Shen Family to Acquire Tianling Biology_1

Shen Family.

Shen Qifa listened to the report from his subordinate, his expression grave, "Are you sure this information is true?"

The subordinate nodded vigorously, "The information is absolutely true! It's being talked about everywhere, and many witnessed it on the scene."

"Hahaha! Good!"

Pleased, Shen Qifa slapped his thigh and laughed out loud.

Shen Wanxin came downstairs and, seeing his father so joyful, asked curiously, "Father, what makes you so happy?"

"My son, do you remember the matter of me going to join hands with Lu Zhantang?" Shen Qifa said proudly, "Just now, at the International Biotech Conference, Lu Zhantang took Lu Wuchen to find trouble with that Ning Fan."

"And what happened?" Shen Wanxin immediately perked up, urgently speaking.

Shen Qifa sneered twice, "It is said that Ning Fan was so intimidated by Lu Zhantang's authority that on the stage of the conference, in front of everyone, he knelt down to beg for mercy and apologize to Lu Zhantang and his son!"