Chapter 324: The Principle of Spirit Qi Water_1

"Ah! My face! My face!"

"It hurts! Father, father save me!!"

"I really can't take it anymore!! Let me die!!"

Lu Wuchen lay on the hospital bed, wailing with all his might.

The agony from the severe facial burns was so intense that not even painkillers could suppress it.

Now lying in the bed, he felt as though he was being slowly tortured to death.

Hearing his son's screams, Lu Zhantang felt as though his heart was being cut out.

"Damn it! Ning Fan, I will kill you! I'll tear you to pieces!"

Seeing the doctors say they couldn't cure him, he immediately flew into a rage, swinging his hand back and striking the doctor's head.


The doctor's blood flowed from all seven orifices, and he dropped to the ground, dead.

The other doctors screamed in terror and scattered, fearing they'd be the next victims of Lu Zhantang's wrath.

"You must find a way to cure my son, by any means necessary!"

"Otherwise, you'll all be buried with him!"