Chapter 338: Receiving Four Needles_1


The massive tower crane, like a giant connecting heaven and earth, crashed down toward Ning Fan.

Ning Fan's brows slightly furrowed, and with a quick step, he evaded the collapse.


The tower crane smashed into the ground, raising a cloud of dust that blotted out the sky.

Before Ning Fan could react, suddenly about a dozen engineering vehicles, roaring like monsters, burst out of the construction site and charged through the dust cloud.

Boom boom boom!

The engineering vehicles barreled forward, toppling everything in their path and heading straight for Ning Fan.

"Scorpion King, is this the best you can do?"

Ning Fan chuckled coldly, standing his ground without dodging, and punched the engineering vehicle bearing down on him.


The heavy engineering vehicle, tens of tons in weight, was hit by Ning Fan's punch, its front crumpling and grinding to a halt amidst black smoke.

Boom boom boom!