Chapter 347: The Righteous Thunder of Heaven and Earth_1

Since ancient times, there has been the concept of the righteous thunder between heaven and earth.

In other words, among all things between heaven and earth, thunder is the most formidable force!

At this moment, Pei Wanjian was willing to exhaust his own mana just to draw down the lightning from the sky, aiming to incinerate Ning Fan into ashes!

"Vast is the heaven and earth, splendid are the laws of thunder!"

"Even if you have thousands of skills, before the righteous thunder of heaven and earth, you can only turn to ashes!"

Pei Wanjian roared loudly, with arcs of electricity flashing around him, resembling the Thunder God descending to the mortal world!


The immense lightning fell from the clouds, and even hundreds of meters away, one could feel its overwhelming might!

"Quick, quick, quick! Get out of the way!"

"Back off! Who the hell let you get so close!"

"Hurry and drive the boat away!"