Chapter 352: Can This Engagement... Not Be Called Off? _1

However, the Shen Family patriarch, disregarding all, pushed everyone who rushed forward away, pointed at Shen Qifa, and roared, "You rebellious son! Beast! Get over here!"

Shen Qifa obediently approached the bed, but before the Shen Family patriarch could speak, he already knelt down.

"You fool! What did I tell you back then?"

"If someone comes with a marriage contract, you must fulfill it without fail, without any discrepancies!"

"And you? You actually deny this marriage contract? Have my words been eaten by a dog?!"

The Shen Family patriarch was furious, his whole body trembling with anger.

Hearing his words, everyone turned to look at Shen Qifa, their eyes filled with doubt.

Because of Shen Qifa, they all thought this marriage contract was a fake.

But now the old master actually acknowledged the marriage contract?

What exactly was going on?

Shen Bingying's face was full of shock, "Father, that marriage contract... in the end... is it real or fake?"