Chapter 378 Ning Fan Smashed to Pieces?_1

"Thundering Palm Strike!"

A Fourth Rank Grandmaster's inner strength surged within his palm, hurtling toward Ning Fan's chest with an unrivaled force.

Just as Ning Fan sidestepped to avoid it, he grabbed the Fourth Rank Grandmaster's hand, intending to throw him out, but from both sides a chilling killing intent simultaneously struck!

Two other Fourth Rank Grandmasters attacked at the same moment, their fists wrapped in powerful inner strength, slamming toward his temples.

Ning Fan had no choice but to dodge away.

"Hahaha! Idiot! Let's see where you can dodge to now!"

Fei Zhongzhi's mocking laughter suddenly exploded overhead, and right after, Ning Fan found himself unable to move.

It turned out that three Third Grade Peak Grandmasters had appeared behind him at some unknown moment, simultaneously grabbing his arms and legs.

The next second, Fei Zhongzhi dropped from mid-air, punching heavily into Ning Fan's chest.
