Chapter 383 Agreeing to Mu Wanqing's Request_1

"Master! Was it you who cured us?"

Upon hearing Ning Fan's voice, Shuang'er excitedly squeezed through the crowd and threw herself into Ning Fan's arms, "Wuwuwu... Master, Shuang'er had a dream last night that after you cured Wanqing sister and me, you just left us behind, wuwu... I was so scared!"

Having experienced the life-and-death situation together, Shuang'er had developed a significant bond with Mu Wanqing, even referring to her now as sister Wanqing.

Ning Fan, caught between laughter and tears, rubbed Shuang'er's little head, which calmed her down quite a bit.

At this moment, Dr. Yuan exclaimed as if he had seen a ghost, "Sir, was it you who cured them? This, this is impossible! It's only been a short half-day no... just one night. Even using the latest healing devices, it wouldn't be possible to cure them!"