Chapter 390 Miss Xu and I Cannot Be Separated_1

While the Xu Family members were all flustered and in complete disarray,

Ning Fan was in his villa, stretching lazily, his face the picture of relaxation.

"Weird, why do I feel so much better today than yesterday?"

Ning Fan frowned and muttered to himself.

However, he didn't take it too seriously, thinking it was just his strength that had improved, which was why he felt more spirited.

But as he stepped out of the villa, planning to meet up with Ge Dishuo, he suddenly realized something.

That feeling of life force draining away from yesterday, why had it suddenly disappeared?

"No good! Miss Xu!"

Ning Fan's face changed dramatically, and he turned and sprinted towards the Xu Family.

The only reason Xu Yourong was still alive was because of the Filial Aura, which was constantly drawing life force from Ning Fan to supply her.

If Ning Fan couldn't feel his life force draining away, didn't that mean Xu Yourong wasn't absorbing any life force on her end?