Chapter 426: Entering Myriad Flowers Valley_1

Among the guards, a new one who did not recognize Hua Nishang snickered and said, "Little girl, so what if I touched you? Being touched by us is your good fortune! Let me tell you, if you want to enter the valley, crawl over here immediately, and kneel before me obediently so I can have my fill of touching! Otherwise..."

"Go fuck your mother's dumbass!"

The lead guard's face changed color in fright, and he turned around to deliver a heavy slap across the new guard's face, roaring, "You dumbass! How dare you be disrespectful to the Young Miss? I'm going to break your arms and legs right now and throw you out to be used as fertilizer for the flowers!"

"Boss, wha-what Young Miss?" the new guard asked, still not quite understanding, looking utterly confused.

"You're a fucking idiot! How many Young Misses do we have in Myriad Flowers Valley?"