Chapter 424 The Grand Wedding in Three Days_1

Xu Yourong lay at death's door, devoid of strength. What good would her struggle do?

Soon, the Flower Servant Elixir melted in her mouth, and its medicinal power began to take effect.

Xu Yourong was already half unconscious, and now her mind felt as muddled as paste, utterly chaotic...

Hua Wanliu took Xu Yourong's pulse again and was surprised to find that the vitality in her body, which had been on the verge of complete dissipation, was showing faint signs of recovery.

It had increased, if only by a little bit.

"Could she truly have an exceptional constitution? Can the Flower Servant Elixir enhance her vitality?"

Wan Hualiu was both shocked and elated, with his desire to possess Xu Yourong surging in his heart.

"Issue the command, in three days, I shall wed Miss Xu! After the wedding, Miss Xu will become the Valley Master's lady!"

Hua Wanliu announced excitedly.