89 Chapter Meeting (Second Update)_1

On the second day, Yan Qing stood in front of the wardrobe early in the morning, gazing at the clothes for a while, before picking out the Moonlight Color Fabric and putting it on.

After dressing, he asked Yun Luo, "Will this garment get dirty if I go boating on the lake?"

Yun Luo knew how much Yan Qing cherished the garment, wanting to wear it out yet fearing it might be ruined, and seriously suggested, "Even if it gets dirty, there's no need to worry. The fabric of Moonlight Color is indeed scarce, and currently, there is only one roll. But knowing you like it, our master has already ordered the production of more. It probably won't be long before the second roll is available, and when the master is free, she'll make you another one."

After all, the master had said that she would make all of Yan Qing's clothes herself in the future, without the need for embroidery girls.

Upon hearing this, Yan Qing left the house without any burden, wearing the garment proudly.