Chapter 1: Return Home_1

After the time of Jingzhe had passed, the weather gradually grew warmer.

In the southern lands of the Western Liang, spring waters warmed, nurturing lush grasses. Scholars and refined visitors enjoyed cultivating flowers and plants. In small mountain courtyards everywhere, one could see the intermixed densities of orchids and jasmine, with large blooms of corn poppies brightly flourishing, a tapestry of splendid colors.

As noon approached, the sun stood high overhead. The carriage raced along, making its way through the woods between the mountains. Inside the carriage, a woman dressed in a light blue gambeson lifted the curtain and inquired of the coachman outside, "Big Brother Wang, how much longer until we reach Changwu County?"

The coachman answered with a cheerful laugh, "Not far now, just over half a mountain more, and we'll be there in an hour's time!"

Yin Zheng then let the curtain of the carriage fall back into place and turned to look at the person beside her.

This was a young girl, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with delicate features and porcelain-white skin that served to highlight her deep, clear eyes. Although she was dressed in a half-worn, dark blue, algae-patterned cloth skirt, her demeanor was exceptionally calm and serene. Upon hearing the coachman's words, the girl's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and there appeared to be a fleeting touch of emotion in her gaze.

Yin Zheng sighed inwardly.

Having followed Lu Tong for more than half a year, she had never seen her mistress reveal any superfluous emotions; her expression was always indifferent. It seemed as if no matter how significant the events of this world were, they mattered little in her eyes. It was only as they drew nearer to Changwu County that she saw a trace of vitality in Lu Tong's eyes, like a clay figure slowly coming to life with the touch of incense, gaining a freshness common to ordinary people.

Indeed, even the most indifferent person would inevitably feel excited when about to return to their hometown.

Inside the carriage, Lu Tong sat quietly.

The mountain road was rugged, the jolting causing the apricots Yin Zheng had brought to roll all over the place. She lowered her eyes to the apricots scattered on the floor, her thoughts drifting far away.

Seven years earlier, she too had left Changwu County in a carriage. Back then, it had felt as though the journey was swift, arriving in a strange town in the blink of an eye. Now, the road back to her hometown seemed much longer, as if it would never end.

She had lived on the mountain with Lady Yun for seven years, until Lady Yun passed away. After burying Lady Yun, she had finally gained her freedom and was able to return to her hometown.

In those seven years, she had written letters to her father and the others, but she did not know if they had ever received them. When she had left so hastily, maybe they thought she had died...

Lu Tong's thoughts wandered as she sat there, and without her noticing, the sun gradually began to set in the west. The carriage stopped at the city gate, and the coachman's voice came from outside, "Miss, we've arrived at Changwu County!"

Changwu County had indeed arrived.

Yin Zheng helped Lu Tong out of the carriage, paid the coachman, and they started walking into the city.

Lu Tong looked around and felt somewhat dazed.

It was springtime, and the streets were filled with strolling people and riding carriages. New tea shops had sprung up along the streets, with stalls selling tea and snacks like orange cakes and sesame candies. There were also fortune-tellers. Many new pavilions had been built along the lake in the city, where spring willows reflected in the water, shading various shades of green into the lake's surface.

At a glance, the crowd was endless and the scene was bustling.

Yin Zheng's eyes lit up with delight, "Miss, Changwu County is so lively!"

Lu Tong, however, seemed somewhat disoriented.

When she had left her home, it had been during an epidemic and in the depths of winter. The streets had been deserted, an image of desolation. Now, returning home, the once-small county town had become much more prosperous than before. The sight of lively visitors filled her with a trace of unease.

After a pause, she said, "Let's go on."

The streets of Changwu County had been widened, and what used to be muddy roads during the rainy season were now completely paved with fine pebbles, making carriage rides much smoother.

The familiar cloth and rice shops that used to line the streets were gone, replaced by unfamiliar taverns and tea houses, a stark contrast to the past street views.

Lu Tong walked slowly, guided by the memories in her mind, occasionally finding traces of old times. Such as the well at the East City Temple Entrance, or the bronze-cast iron ox in front of the city's ancestral shrine.

After passing through a secluded alley and walking a few hundred steps further, Lu Tong stopped.

Yin Zheng looked ahead and was startled, "Miss..."

Before them stood a dilapidated building.

The earthen wall at the entrance was scorched black; the structure no longer bore any resemblance to its former self, leaving only a few charred lacquered beams vaguely retaining the shape of a doorframe. Moving closer, there seemed to be a pungent smell of smoke still in the air.

Yin Zheng looked uneasily at Lu Tong. If Lu Tong had stopped here, this must be her home, yet all that remained were traces of a devastating fire... Where were the inhabitants?

Lu Tong stared fixedly at the charred doorframe, her face growing paler. It felt as if her legs were filled with lead, too heavy to take another step.

Just then, a voice came from behind, "Who are you? What are you doing standing here?"

They both turned around and saw an old woman standing not far away, carrying a load of tuckahoe cakes on her shoulder, looking at them with some suspicion.

Yin Zheng was quick-witted and immediately put on a smiling face. She walked over to the old woman, handed over a few coins to buy some of the tuckahoe cakes she was carrying, and asked, "Granny, my miss is a distant relative of this Lu Family and has come to seek refuge. But looking at this place... did something catch fire? Do you know where the family has moved to now?"

The old cake seller, hearing the name "Lu Family" and accepting the money from Yin Zheng, softened her expression considerably and said, "Coming to seek the Lu Family?" She glanced at Lu Tong standing behind Yin Zheng and shook her head, "Tell your miss to go back early, there's no one left here anymore."

"No one left?" Yin Zheng glanced back at Lu Tong and asked with a smile, "What does that mean?"

The old woman heaved a sigh, "Don't you know? The entire Lu Family died out a year ago."