Chapter Four: Ke Family_1


Perhaps the propitious sign of the lantern flowers truly boded well, for the journey to the Capital City was very smooth.

By the time Lu Tong and his companion arrived in Shengjing, a month had already passed.

Yin Zheng handed over the entry documents to the City Guard and followed Lu Tong through the city gates. Once on the streets, she was dazzled by the prosperity of Shengjing and sighed softly, "Indeed, this is Shengjing!"

Passing through the inner city gate, the liveliness immediately surged. Everywhere, there were wine shops of all sizes and tea houses in abundance. A woman dressed in a red silk skirt was selling peach blossoms, and their fragrance filled the air. The city hummed with the buzz of people, shoulder rubbing with shoulder. Below the lanterns hanging in the taverns, strings of tiny beads shimmered in the sunlight.

The weather was fine, the passing clouds had dispersed, and the bustling streets were densely packed with people. The extravagance and festivity were truly captivating.

While Yin Zheng was still marveling, Lu Tong had already redirected his gaze and said, "Let's find an inn to stay first."

In the precious land of Capital City, where every inch of ground was worth its weight in gold, the cost of accommodations naturally soared. The two found a modestly clean small inn to settle into. Yin Zheng went to ask the innkeeper to prepare some food, while Lu Tong went downstairs first.

Located in the west of the city, the inn was some distance from the bustling South Street, which is why the room rates were not too expensive. Most who stayed here were merchants come to Shengjing to trade.

When Lu Tong walked up to the counter, he saw the innkeeper—a middle-aged man dressed in a soy-colored robe—busy calculating with an abacus. Suddenly, he heard someone inquire, "Innkeeper, are there any places selling porcelain nearby?"

The innkeeper looked up to see a young woman standing before him.

Shengjing was known for its tall and beautiful women, yet the girl before him was noticeably more petite. With an oval face and bright, dark eyes, her skin was excessively pale. She appeared frail and delicate, wearing a simple white damask skirt, her hair swept back into a braid, with only a frost-white silk flower pinned by her temple. Standing there, she seemed like a lotus rising from the water—delicately graceful and radiant.

Such a beauty appeared as if she had been nurtured amongst scenic mountains and rivers, a translucent gem.

The innkeeper smiled and said, "Miss, you're not a local, are you? You seem to be from Su Nan?"

Lu Tong neither nodded nor denied, merely smiling as she asked, "I've heard that the porcelain of the Ke Family in Shengjing is outstanding. Would the innkeeper know where one might purchase their porcelain?"

Before the innkeeper could answer, a voice came from behind in the hall where people were dining, shouting, "The Ke Family? What's so good about Ke Family porcelain? They just got lucky, that's all."

Lu Tong turned around to see a man dressed like a merchant, paused, then asked, "Brother, why do you say that?"

The merchant, addressed as "Brother," did not skimp on his explanation, saying, "Originally, the Ke Family sold porcelain in the city, and there was no talk of any outstanding craftsmanship. They had a modest reputation. But a year ago, by some stroke of luck, a servant from Grand Preceptor Qi's Mansion chose their porcelain for Lady Qi's birthday banquet. The celebration for Lady Qi was grand, and the Ke Family's reputation rose with it. Since then, many officials in the city have been going to the Ke Family for porcelain, and they've gained quite the name for themselves."

At this point, the merchant took a swig of the rough tea in front of him and grumbled, "Recently, the Ke Family's near about cornered the porcelain business in Shengjing, leaving no room for others to even share in the broth. Now, in the Capital, everyone knows only of the Ke Family; where's there room for any other player?"

Perhaps the merchant himself was one of those affected by the Ke Family's business, left without broth to drink. Seeing Lu Tong deep in thought, he advised, "Young lady, you might as well not go to the Ke Family for porcelain. Nowadays, they only sell to officials and look down on small transactions. Why bother seeking discomfort?"

Lu Tong's tone was gentle, the smile in her eyes fading as she softly said, "Having heard Brother say so much, I am even more curious now. I would like to see for myself what kind of exquisite porcelain it is that could impress a mansion so accustomed to luxury goods as the Grand Preceptor's."

"Miss, if you really want to visit the Ke Family's porcelain, it won't be difficult," the innkeeper said obligingly, smiling as he gave Lu Tong directions, "The Ke Family is located to the south of the city. Just follow this street straight ahead, and you will see the Luoyue Bridge in the city. Walk along the bridge, and at the end, you'll find the Fengle Building. There's an alley below it. Go through the alley, and you will see the Ke Residence."

Lu Tong thanked both the innkeeper and the merchant before returning upstairs. Upon entering the room, Yin Zheng had already set the meal, urging Lu Tong, "Miss, please have your meal first."

Lu Tong sat down at the table and picked up her chopsticks, joined by Yin Zheng, who tentatively started, "Miss, I just heard you downstairs inquiring about the Ke Residence..."

Lu Tong said, "Let's eat. After the meal, I will visit the Ke Residence."

According to the merchant, it was a stroke of luck that befell the Ke Family a year ago. A year ago was also when Lu Rou passed away.

It was hard not to give it further thought.



South Street was much busier than the western part of the city.

On Luoyue Bridge, the stream of people was like weaving fabric, and the river breeze that passed through the city carried a fragrance of rouge and powder. Many ox-horn lanterns were tied under the bridge railing; they say that on clear nights the lights were like fireflies, and the silver crescent moon falling under the bridge bathed the entire city in moonlight.

Passing through the alley beneath Fengle Building, at the end there stood a tall gatehouse. On the gate's plaque, the words "Ke Residence" were inscribed, marking the new estate purchased by the Ke Family.

It was around noon, and a young servant in blue was dozing against the gate. Although the Ke Family was wealthy, the master was strict and stingy towards the servants. With few gatekeepers and chores to be done at night, they still had to work during the day, inevitably leading to negligence.

Just as he was struggling with sleep, he was caught off-guard by a voice in front of him, "Young man, is the young master of your house Master Ke Chengxing?"

The gatekeeper startled back to reality only to see two young ladies standing in front of him, one of whom was wearing a veil.

He said, "Yes, you are..."

"My lady is the first wife's maternal cousin. We request to see Madam Ke."


In the garden of the Ke Family, the peonies were in full bloom.

Madam Ke did not care for blandness; as a businesswoman, she always enjoyed liveliness and vibrancy. After buying the property, she had the bamboo from the original residence dug out, and even had the small pond filled in, remodeling it into a garden. Throughout the year, the garden bloomed with a riotous profusion of flowers,

At that moment in the hall, Madam Ke was sitting on the couch watching a maidservant embroider a fan, with some candied orange cakes and boiled chestnuts laid out on the table. She occasionally picked up a piece to put in her mouth but complained that the pastries were made too bland today.

The gatekeeper came in and whispered, "Madam Ke, there are visitors outside seeking an audience, claiming to be the maternal cousins of the first wife..."

Madam Ke's face changed instantly, her voice rising uncontrollably, "Whose maternal cousins?"

The gatekeeper shrank back a bit, "The first wife's..."

Madam Ke's brow furrowed, "Didn't the Lu Family die out? Since when did they have any maternal cousins?"

Amah by her side said, "Perhaps they are some distant, ruined relatives who do not know of the Lu Family's plight and have come seeking benefits."

After thinking, Madam Ke instructed the gatekeeper, "Never mind them, just send them away."

The gatekeeper took the order and left, but soon he returned.

Madam Ke said irritably, "They haven't left yet?"

"No," the gatekeeper appeared troubled, "the visitors said they had a deep relationship with the first wife's family and heard about the Lu Family's downfall. They've come to retrieve the first wife's dowry..."

"Dowry?" The look on Madam Ke's face turned ugly, "Where did these shameless vagabonds come from, talking about a dowry? What dowry does she, Miss Lu, have?"

The gatekeeper swallowed a gulp of saliva, cautiously saying, "They claim if they cannot see Madam Ke, they'll sit on a stool by the door and start asking around the neighbors. Madam Ke, considering the heavy traffic here, it might not sound good if word spreads..."

Madam Ke's face turned livid. After a long pause, she forced out a few words through clenched teeth, "Bring her in!"