Chapter 18 Chun Shui Sheng_1

At this year's Peach Blossom Festival in Shengjing, the most famous attraction wasn't the poetry collection organized after the banquet at Huxin Pavilion, nor the ethereal and clear singing voices of the Little Dan class by the riverbank of Luoyue Bridge, but the herbal tea called "Chun Shui Sheng" inside Renxin Medical Hall.

It was said that this herbal tea could greatly alleviate the nuisance of nasal congestion, enabling the scholars, who couldn't venture out in spring, to once again behold the beauty of the season. For those literati who missed the splendid scenes in previous years due to nasal issues, it truly was like a Living Bodhisattva in hell.

Besides, it also had such an appealing name.

Chun Shui Sheng, just by hearing the name, one could feel as though its fragrance lingered in the mouth.