Chapter 25 Searching for the Lover_1

Xinglin Hall had developed Chun Yangsheng, intending to take advantage of the situation to crush the Renxin Medical Hall, but things went contrary to their desires, and in the end, they lifted a rock only to drop it on their own foot.

Ever since those scholars and commoners made a scene at the entrance of Xinglin Hall, the clinic had not reopened for eight or nine days straight.

Ah Cheng went to gather information and came back saying that Bai Shouyi had been hiding in the Bai Residence these days, not venturing beyond the main gate nor taking a step out of the inner door, for fear of getting spat on in the face by someone again.

Upon hearing this good news, Du Changqing was so delighted that it dispelled the gloom of the previous few days, and his voice sounded several degrees louder than usual.