Chapter 22 Confrontation_1

Ever since Xinglin Hall introduced Chun Yangsheng, the name of Chun Shui Sheng gradually became less and less mentioned.

First, Chun Yangsheng and Chun Shui Sheng were only different by one character, so it was inevitable that people would mix them up when listening. Second, since Xinglin Hall was undoubtedly a major medical establishment with old doctors in charge, when people came to West Street, they saw the impressive Xinglin Hall first. Once they went in and bought Chun Yangsheng, who would still know about Chun Shui Sheng?

So the front of Xinglin Hall grew busier by the day, while the medicinal tea at Renxin Medical Hall found no takers.

Seeing this, Du Changqing was despondent, but Lu Tong remained as unflappable as ever, doing what needed to be done each day without showing the slightest hint of worry.