Chapter 42 Rainy Night_1

The sounds of thunder echoed across a thousand ridges, and a blanket of rain enshrouded ten thousand peaks, veiling the entire Wan'en Temple in mist and drizzle.

In the Chenjing Garden of Wan'en Temple, the sound of bells trickled continuously.

Due to the multitude of pilgrims, Wan'en Temple renovated many lodgings, some requiring less silver coin and others more. Yet, no amount of silver coin could buy a stay in Chenjing Garden, situated behind the temple near the mountain.

Here, only members of the royal family or dignitaries from scholarly official backgrounds were received.

Indistinct chanting of scriptures drifted from Xiaguang Hall, with tendrils of fragrant incense lingering around the grand hall—ancient lanterns glowing softly, the temple tranquil in the rainy night, appearing like a secluded realm of the world.

Amidst the gentle rain, a figure gradually became visible, disrupting this quietude.