Chapter 45 Bodhisattva Opens Eyes_1

The hall was deserted, and the sound of rain covered everything in the mountain temple shrouded in darkness.

Ke Chengxing blinked in confusion, unable to comprehend what the woman meant. However, he quickly caught on and looked at her with a guarded expression.

She called him Master Ke... Did she know who he was?

Ke Chengxing wanted to call Wan Fu into the hall to help him, but his whole body was numb and weak, and he couldn't speak. His mind was filled with shock and doubt, uncertain where this bodily change had come from, and whether this woman was human or ghost.

Sounds of turtles and soft-shelled turtles agitating the water in the tank echoed; the woman took two steps forward, her shadow elongating and flickering behind her with the wavering flame.

Ke Chengxing took note of this and his eyes suddenly brightened.

If there's a shadow, then she's not a ghost...

This woman is human!

However, if she is a human, why is she here?