Chapter 55 Dai Sanlang_4

Sister Song shook herself out of her reverie, thinking it's no wonder Widow Sun managed to coax her late husband into putting all the land deeds in her name. Forget about men, even she, a woman, couldn't help but feel her bones go soft at the sound of Widow Sun's delicate voice.

Sister Song glanced at the carefully coordinated clothes Widow Sun was wearing and then thought of Dai Sanlang's greasy, swollen figure, and couldn't help thinking that although Dai Sanlang was a good man, to be fair, he did seem a bit like a toad lusting after swan meat.

As the two of them walked toward the East City Temple Entrance, Sister Song, who had a warm heart and a quick tongue, kept Widow Sun giggling uncontrollably with her lively chatter. When they neared the temple entrance, they saw from a distance that the door of the small shop by the alley, Dai's Shop, was wide open, and someone was chopping bones inside.