Chapter 61 Visiting Fan Mansion_3

It seems this was precisely why, when Lu Qian went to Shangjing to seek justice, he sought the help of Fan Zhenglian's door first.

Asking for aid from a "Lord Qingtian," who must investigate every injustice, sounds unproblematic. Moreover, Lu Qian spent most of his time in Changwu County, where it's common for ordinary folk to seek fairness from an official when faced with injustice.


Lu Tong lowered her eyes. For someone truly upright and incorruptible, why was his residence so luxurious? Even with Fan Zhenglian's current salary, maintaining such an estate would not be easy.

Unless his wife brought a considerable dowry, but Fan Zhenglian's wife, Zhao Feiyan, came from a family background not much different than his before his promotion.

As the head of Shengjing's criminal court, if someone bribed him, it would only be to tamper with case proceedings.