Chapter 63: Cousin Visits_1

Lu Tong had just returned to West Street from the noodle shop when he saw the lamps burning bright inside Renxin Medical Hall from a distance.

Yin Zheng muttered, "It's so late already; why hasn't Shopkeeper Du gone home? Usually, he would have closed the shop by now."

Du Changqing was a lazy man. When Lu Tong first arrived at the medical hall, Du Changqing pretended to be diligent for a few days. But later on, he would only show up after daybreak and leave before dusk. This made some newcomers mistakenly think that Lu Tong was the owner of the medical hall, while Du Changqing was an assistant who would eventually be sold off.

Lu Tong and Yin Zheng walked over and, as they came closer, saw several people standing at the entrance of Renxin Medical Hall, appearing to be talking.