Chapter 73 Poison Emergence_1

On the first day of the eighth lunar month, just before the autumn exam session began.

At the entrance to the Tribute Court, a crowd of examinees prepared to enter for the examination swelled.

The autumn session of the Liang Dynasty examinations, which occurred every two years, coincided with the imperial family bestowing extra favor this cycle, allowing participation this year as well. The provincial exams consisted of three rounds, each lasting three days. Setting aside scholarly knowledge, it was also a considerable test of physical endurance.

In front of their carriage, Lady Dong gripped Dong Lin's hand, scrutinizing his attire from top to bottom, muttering, "Isn't your clothing a bit thin? It's said to be bitterly cold in the cells, and you can't even have a charcoal brazier. What will you do if the autumn chill strikes and you catch cold?"